My paintings are mixed media works on largely canvas but not solely. They are works that are a depiction of my own soul and thoughts using vague gestures of the urban environment that is constantly in a change of decay or rebuilding, as a platform or stage to communicate to others. They are a cross between various Expressionistic approaches such as Abstract Expressionism, Expressionism, Graffiti art, Digital elements and pop art. I deemed them Modern Urban Expressionism.
Marcus Antonius Jansen is a world traveler who spent his childhood living in New York City and Germany. He joined the Armed Forced and eight years later discharged, where he managed transform his life from a Gulf War veteran to an internationally sought after painter. His work can be found in important Art Museums, such as the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art and recently the New Britain Museum of American Art. Jansen's art commissions include Ford Motor Company and more recently, Warner Brothers, Hollywood and FIFA World Cup TM 2010 in South Africa. Marcus Jansen work combines his vivid scenes with an intense emotional color palate to create work that is both striking and thought-provoking.
Marcus JansenFlag in Distress, 200916" x 20"Contact Us
Marcus JansenIn search of a heart, 201024" x 32"Contact Us
Marcus JansenKey West, 200540" x 60"In Private Collection
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